The Software and Systems Engineering Experts​
The Software and Systems Engineering Experts​
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Extending functionality of DOORS Next Generation and IBM Jazz Platform - Widgets and OSLC

Put Your IBM Engineering deployment on the fast track

Solution Overview

Many customers who have worked with IBM Rational DOORS in the past will remember the ability to create unlimited extensions to the IBM product using the DXL programming language.

This is no different with IBM Engineering. Here there is no migration of DXL scripts, but the possibility to use modern technologies based on REST services and JavaScript. Access to modern technologies and their application in IBM Engineering allows to add new features to the product and provides the possibility of automation.

The IBM Engineering platform allows to extend its functionality in various ways. Among the most popular are Open Service for Lifecycle and Widget technology based on Google Open Social Gadgets. Both technologies allow integrating the IBM Engineering platform with other systems and creating automations or extensions that run within the platform itself.

As part of the services provided, we create extensions to products based on the Widget mechanism and OSLC interfaces. We have a team of developers who can create solutions that are sure to meet the needs of any demanding customer.


We can also help clients to reverse engineer extensions they have used in IBM DOORS that are missing from IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next, or build entirely new extensions that extend the functionality of the IBM tool.

Replacing IBM DOORS Scripts in DXL with modern technologies

Users of the IBM Rational DOORS / Telelogic DOORS product will likely recall the extensive extensibility of the tool itself through the use of scripts written in the DOORS eXtension Language (DXL). The language with a syntax similar to that of C/C++ was used within the DOORS platform to:

  • Automate routine or complex tasks, such as calculating attribute values.
  • Respond to events by triggering custom programs.
  • Add your own options to Rational DOORS menus.

Within the IBM Engineering platform, we do not have the ability to use DXL to modify the platform. Instead, it is possible to extend the platform based on widgets, the platform API and OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration). The use of modern technologies allows us to replace DXL so that more developers available on the market can support extensions for the IBM engineering platform.

We help our customers migrate their existing DXL extensions to the IBM engineering platform and create entirely new scripts to automate their daily work with IBM products

What is the Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration standard (IBM OSLC) ?

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is a set of specifications that simplify the integration of tools across the software development lifecycle. OSLC enables the creation of rich and easy-to-maintain integrations in a diverse tool environment. Tools that use OSLC specifications can more easily maintain tool integrations from different vendors. Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration is the unifying solution for tool vendors and users that addresses the need to link artifacts and repositories across the development organization.

The core function is to link items without replicating data. On the Internet, it has been learned that a link is much more effective than a copy. Fortunately, this goal of avoiding replication is also pragmatic for IT organizations to consider the scope, permissions, and usability of tools. Just as we don’t copy websites, we don’t copy artifacts when we use OSLC.
When exploring OSLC, it’s important to know that it builds on existing technologies. Web protocols, RESTful APIs, and the use of XML and RDF provide a familiar foundation for building a Linked Data platform.
Tool vendors can leverage existing libraries and experience to build these OSLC solutions. The details of OSLC may be complex, but the ideas and experience are not.


OSLC specifications are defined by the OSLC community, which is part of the OASIS Open Standards Network. OASIS is an international, non-profit consortium.

Extending the functionality of IBM Engineering scope in-depth

  • Development of extensions based on the Widget mechanism for IBM Engineering products according to customer needs and requirements
  • Creation of extensions and integrations based on OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle) between customer’s systems and IBM Engineering
  • Conducting workshops to create custom extensions (widget) and extend the functionality of IBM Engineering
  • Consulting services for extension and creation of software on the platform IBM Engineering

Please contact us for more information or to discuss if the service makes sense for your company.

Products and Trainings

related to Extending functionality of DOORS Next Generation and IBM Jazz Platform - Widgets and OSLC​

Software and Systems Engineering are our passions.

At SmarterProcess, we always try to put ourselves in our customers’ shoes, and the projects we deliver are always done with passion and a focus on tangible results.

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